Senin, 24 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Blaxploitation Cinema by Josiah Howard

Blaxploitation Cinema by Josiah Howard

Blaxploitation Cinema

Blaxploitation Cinema by Josiah Howard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Dazzling, highly stylised, excessively violent and brimming with sex, blaxploitation films enjoyed a brief but memorable moment in motion picture history. Never before, and never since, have so many African-American performers been featured in films, not in bit parts, but in name-above-the title starring roles. Here's a new and appreciative look back at a distinctly American motion picture phenomenon, the first truly comprehensive examination of the genre, its films, its trends and its far-reaching impact, covering more than 240 Blaxploitation films in detail. This is the primary reference book on the genre, covering not just the films' heyday (1971-1976) but the entire decade (1970-1980). Includes: film posters and ads

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