The Encyclicals of John Paul II: An Introduction and Commentary by Richard A. Spinello
The Encyclicals of John Paul II: An Introduction and Commentary by Richard A. Spinello PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pope John Paul II was the second longest serving pope in history and the longest serving pope of the last century. His presence was influential not only to Catholics, but also throughout the world. The Encyclicals of John Paul II is the first book to focus in depth on the pope’s fourteen encyclicals, through which he communicated many of the key themes of his papacy.The first part of the book includes helpful background information—a brief biographical sketch of John Paul II’s life, his intellectual formation, and central theological themes of his papacy, including some of the major controversies of the 20th century. The first section of the book also provides invaluable background on the nature of an encyclical, including the history of this papal document.
The second part of the book provides a thorough commentary on these encyclicals. The encyclicals are grouped by theme, introduced individually, and analyzed to trace broad themes through John Paul II’s work and theology. The Encyclicals of John Paul II provides an important discussion of these key documents from John Paul II’s papacy.
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