Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Redeemed (Urban Books) by Keshia Dawn

Redeemed (Urban Books) by Keshia Dawn

Redeemed (Urban Books)

Redeemed (Urban Books) by Keshia Dawn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It's no accident when Kenya Clark gets paired up with Keithe Morgan, the newest member of the divorce support group she leads at their church. The pastor has been trying to get Kenya married off for some time now. Unfortunately, Kenya is still grappling with her past, and she isn't quite ready to enter into something new.
Keithe, on the other hand, is recently divorced and ready to move on. He hasn't given up on love; he still believes he'll find a soul mate. When he starts pushing hard to get to know Kenya better, she feels the connection and panics. The only way she knows to distance herself is to start dating his friend.
Keithe is puzzled. Why would she choose his friend, whose issues make him far from the most eligible bachelor? When Keithe learns the truth about her past, will he still want to hold on and work toward a future together?
Redeemed is about having the strength to accept people right where they are.

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