Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods: Poems by Paula Bohince

Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods: Poems by Paula Bohince

Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods: Poems

Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods: Poems by Paula Bohince PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“[Paula] Bohince is more naturalist than romantic, meaning that her poems above all honor their dark side, their realism, their edge.”—Stanley Plumly

Spanning decades and set on a decrepit farm, Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods begins with a speaker invoking her dead father. As details are gradually uncovered, we learn the father was murdered by a trusted laborer.

Paula Bohince has received a “Discovery”/The Nation Award in 2007, the Grolier Poetry Prize, and grants from the Puffin and the Ludwig Vogelstein foundations. In 2008, Bohince will be the Amy Clampitt Resident Fellow in Massachusetts. She lives in Pennsylvania.

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