Engine Performance Diagnostics by ScannerDanner Scanner Danner by Paul Danner
Engine Performance Diagnostics by ScannerDanner Scanner Danner by Paul Danner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
I hate engineer written flow charts! These are step-by-step procedures that some pencil pusher thinks is the best way to troubleshoot...They are never written with speed in mind. How could they be when half of them start off with disconnecting the computer and the sensor and checking the wire for opens and shorts? Do they realize that step one could take more than a half hour to just get to the computer? This is ridiculous! There has to be a better way! Well, I have found a better way and I want to share it with you. I developed these techniques over the past 20-years performing and teaching driveability diagnostics and computer systems troubleshooting; first, as a mobile tech in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh and now as an instructor at Rosedale Technical Institute near Pittsburgh, PA. Some of my methods are a little unorthodox, but if used correctly there is no faster or more accurate method for troubleshooting computer systems than what I have outlined in this book. My approach gives you the foundation of testing methods and precepts that can be widely applied, not only to engine management systems, but also, all of a vehicle's computer controlled systems. This includes, but is not limited to, transmission controls, body controls, anti-lock brake systems, and climate controls. Do I still use engineer written flow charts? Of course, but only as a guide and almost never literally. Once you understand these fundamentals explained in my book you will be able to troubleshoot ANY computer controlled system, not just a fuel injection computer. I even fixed my furnace at home using these same principles! Each section includes a variety of circuit diagrams, photos, scope screenshots, scantool screenshots, good & bad waveform and scan graph comparisons. Includes, links to over 50 ScannerDanner videos are included which explore the content of the book in more detail.From reader reviews:
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