Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Parviz Tanavoli by Lisa Fischman, Shiva Balaghi

Parviz Tanavoli by Lisa Fischman, Shiva Balaghi

Parviz Tanavoli

Parviz Tanavoli by Lisa Fischman, Shiva Balaghi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Parviz Tanavoli is published on the groundbreaking occasion of the artist’s first solo exhibition at a U.S. museum in nearly forty years, and his first career retrospective outside of Iran. Critically acclaimed and widely acknowledged as the “father of modern Iranian sculpture,” Tanavoli’s trajectory has spanned east and west as he has innovated ambitiously across media. Best known as a sculptor, his expansive oeuvre also includes painting, printmaking, ceramics, rugs, and jewelry. As well, he is a highly regarded teacher, collector, scholar, and poet. This exhibition shares the breadth and richness of his work from the 1950s to the present.

The exhibition is “a groundbreaking retrospective featuring 175 works by Parviz Tanavoli, one of Iran’s most well-known contemporary artists,” says NPR. Parviz Tanavoli has, according to Sotheby’s “exploded on the global media scene . . . Tanavoli is, after all, the father of modern art and sculpture in Iran.” The exhibition has garnered articles in the Financial Times, the New York Times, Harpers Bazaar, The Guardian, the Boston Globe, China Post, and dozens of other publications, and offers a rare opportunity to view the work of a man that the Middle East Monitor refers to as “Iran’s most celebrated visual artist.”

This book will appeal to general audiences interested in the arts, particularly those interested in sculpture, as well as collectors, connoisseurs and aficionados, students and educators, and curators and museum professionals invested in modern and contemporary arts of the Middle East, particularly of Iran.

Hardcover is un-jacketed.

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