Teaching Good Learner Repertoires by Steve Ward
Teaching Good Learner Repertoires by Steve Ward PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Teaching Good Learner Repertoires is a "how to" book that will guide you to make your student easy to teach. Steve Ward, Ma, Bcba and Terry Grimes, Ms, Bcba bring decades of experience to this follow-up to the Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires. Good learner repertoires go well beyond typical "replacement" behaviors and most typically developing individuals acquire them with no formal teaching. Reading through the book you will quickly realize the staggering number of skills that we take for granted that may have to be specifically taught for learners to move forward academically and behaviorally. Teaching Good Learner Repertoires provides clear scripts for teaching these foundational skills, but also provides analyses, data recommendations, and "Dimension Grids", that will turn you into an analyst, capable of identifying the most relevant current priorities for your student, seeing where the instruction is going, and problem-solving how to get there.From reader reviews:
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